Reference Links

When I started writing this blog, I mostly wanted a journal of my experience. I am realizing now that I needed to make more Reference Links. We field a lot of questions about how did we get our information. Over time we will be adding links to old blog posts as appropriate.

Sorry to all of the authors and publishers that we didn’t link to. It was not intentional, just lazy writing.

New Gear, New Video

So we have made it this far why change? We got some new gear, and are shooting new video. It will not be a complete start over, we are keeping the old video as well. As we got to go on Bigfoot hunts, we needed a faster point and shoot option than the gear we had… And the audio was not great.

Why do I talk about our gear? This blog is our journal of the process… It may not be interesting to you. If you are a fan of Bigfoot, the documentary will interest you but how it is made may not. If you are a fan of making documentaries, this type of post may interest you and Bigfoot may not. Either way, I just wanted to give you a quick update on the new gear.

The new gear will help us shoot further and in lower light situations. Will there be something to catch? The footage we have so far will amaze you.

One thing is for sure. We have access to information you have never seen. Our film crew has gained access to places nobody has filmed. When I started this journey I did not expect to learn what I now know. I can’t wait to share it with you.

Bigfoot Halloween Costume

Well ’tis the season. Even with covid you can get a Bigfoot Halloween Costume at every abandoned mall. I expect to hear of more sightings because of this. We went back to filming and haven’t been able to find what we saw last month.

The costumes are getting really good. So are the cameras. That means it will be tough to fake Bigfoot. You would have to have a really good costume to fool high definition cameras.

We are currently editing and filming more interviews. It will probably be December before we go back into the woods with anyone. Meanwhile, there are many public Bigfoot sighting being reported. All of the Bigfoot community continue to put out youtube videos.

It feels like there is a storm brewing between rivals in the Bigfoot community. I am not sure if it helps or hurts. Isn’t everyone on the same team? Aren’t they all trying to prove Bigfoot exists? Maybe there is a different motivation for different groups. It seems like everyone is fighting for their spot in the Bigfoot space. Heck, we seem to be fighting for a spot and we aren’t even ready to release a trailer!

BTW shooting a documentary is much much more difficult than I thought. It requires a huge sacrifice of time, and an even larger output of money. So far this is all self funded, which is taking longer but keeps anyone from influencing the results. At this rate I expect to have a trailer together by the end of 2020 or early in 2021. The release date will still hopefully be mid to the end of 2021. We will see once we get all of the raw footage.

Happy Halloween everyone, stay safe out there.

What did I just see?

We just wrapped on a few weeks of filming. Following leads, chasing basically nothing. Trekking through the woods and crawling through caves. The evidence was suspect at best. Seems like even the most reliable stories are just that. Stories.

After a long day of filming, we were packing out our gear at dusk. We all saw something… I just don’t know what. The Bigfoot hunters swear it is Bigfoot…

I don’t know what we found, or what we saw. We are all a bit shook though.

Maybe we were just so tired that we projected onto a deer or something. I’m not sure if I’m more worried that it could have been a bear or a Bigfoot. We will keep digging, this is getting too real at this point. Our crew is staying out of the woods for a few days and just checking the footage from the hunters.

I understand that they could fake something to show us, but I don’t want to be bear or Bigfoot food…

Can Bigfoot Get Covid-19

We are well into this pandemic and it got us thinking. Can Bigfoot get Covid-19? Most people think he is human like. Is he closely related enough to get Covid? Monkeys can catch it, people can catch it, what other animals can?

What if Bigfoot eats bats? Maybe Bigfoot is patient zero. Is the government holding Bigfoot because it holds the cure? It is also possible that Bigfoot is naturally immune to the virus. Maybe Bigfoot holds the key to a cure. Bigfoot could be the cure or the cause, we just don’ t know.

This is just one of the things that keeps us awake at night now that we travel down this path. One thing is for sure – everyone has an opinion on this topic. It is our job to find the right stories to tell, and it is a daunting task.

If you are currently out hunting Bigfoot, remember it could hold the cure. It also could hold unimaginable disease. Be careful out there…

Kill Vs Capture Bigfoot

One interesting philosophical question about Bigfoot is what do you do if you see one? There are plenty of people on tv and youtube claiming to have seen one. Usually they then go on a quest to go find it again. It seems to be there are 2 schools of thought. Kill Vs Capture of Bigfoot.

Kill seems to be the most popular. I am not sure if it is because we crave killing in the US or if we want a body to prove it is real either way it makes for good tv. The proponents of the kill Bigfoot camp argue that until there is a body, there will never be proof. They want to have a body so that they can prove once and for all there is a Bigfoot. The kill Bigfoot camp also have a healthy fear of the animal. If I saw a 7 to 8 foot tall man with 2 foot long feet that could jump 14 feet at a time, I might have to shoot it to. Kill or be killed right?

The non kill and capture Bigfoot camp see things differently. They too want a body, but want it alive. They also think that they can make contact, and perhaps friends, with a Bigfoot. After all imagine how much more we could learn from it if it was alive? There are even people that claim Bigfoot is not just shaped like a human, but a different race of human. This would make killing one murdering a human. There is also the issue of humans dressing up in costumes. What if you shot one of them?

I can’t help but wonder as I am watching these shows, where are the tranquilizers? There are several groups with a arsenals of weapons. Why doesn’t anyone have a tranquillizer or other non lethal weapon? Are all of the don’t kill Bigfoot people going into the woods with no protection? Do we believe that makes them brave, stupid, or liars?

Crew Expansion

This film has proven to be too big of an undertaking for one person. I have had to do a crew expansion and get help. We have been combing through all of the published and unpublished stories and it is a lot. It seems there are Bigfoot stories no matter where you go.

One thing is for sure, people that believe are unflappable in their belief. They don’t think they saw Bigfoot, they know they did. It is also becoming apparent that the firm believers are not swayed by the opinion of skeptics. There are a lot of people making a lot of money off of Bigfoot merchandise. Could it be that it is a nationwide hoax for profit?

If it is a hoax for profit, how are there so many stories? Why are so many people with nothing to gain talking about their encounters? Can the industrial machine fool the whole world just to sell merchandise?

Or is there something more, something out there? Do all of these people have a shared experience? Has there been a creature that is undiscovered this whole time?

Shooting has started and interviews are underway. If you would like to share your story on our film please contact us. We can keep your identity completely secret if you prefer.

First Month

Quick update for everyone with our first month progress. The month has been full of research. There are tons of videos out there. It is looking like there are Bigfoot groups that are rivals as well. It would seem that this is a bigger undertaking than I imagined.

Going into the research I assumed there were a handful of people in the Bigfoot community and the rest were fair-weather fans. After all it is cool imagery so why not get that funny Bigfoot sign?

It turns out there are hundreds, or even thousands, of people in the Bigfoot community. They range from believers and hunters, to hoaxers and profiteers. What is the real deal here? We have some leads to follow and are going to dig a little deeper into the stories you may be familiar with. Let’s find out what is actually happening.

Now that we know who some of the players are in this game it is time for us to start digging. I am hoping that as unbiased film makers we can get some raw behind the scenes stories. Do you have a Bigfoot story? Have you seen it? Do you have proof? Have you been part of Bigfoot in any way? We want to hear from you. Please contact us with your stories and evidence. Who knows maybe you will make it into the film!

Does Bigfoot Exist?

Does Bigfoot exist, or is this all an elaborate hoax? If it is a hoax, what is the motivation? Are we driven by a need to feel like we know something nobody else does?

The more I research Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, etc., the more I question what is the motivation for a hoax? I also find myself asking what is the definition of exist?

As I make this film I promised myself, and my fans, that I would look at this subject with an open mind. No preconceived notions. Take a more scientific approach and “go and see” rather than jump to conclusions.

Don’t get me wrong, I am plenty skeptical. Oddly enough, I am almost as skeptical that Bigfoot doesn’t exist as I am skeptical that it does. That is a weird statement even as I type it so let me explain. When I hear someone adamant that Bigfoot is fake, or can’t exist, or whatever it may be, I find myself playing devil’s advocate and arguing that it could. Maybe I just like to argue. My personality might just be that of a contrarian. Or am I starting to believe these arguments?

As a skeptic, and a film maker, I am determined to only allow information that I can prove to sway my opinion.

Let’s look at one last thing. What does it mean to exist? Even if there isn’t a Bigfoot out there to be found, could Bigfoot exist? If so many people tell the stories for generations, is that enough to exist? We all hope to be as lucky as Bigfoot. Have our memory passed from generation to generation. Few people throughout history have had this honor. I have never met George Washington, or Abraham Lincoln, but I have heard about them my whole life. Is that enough for them to exist? I can hear you now, “they did exist but don’t anymore” but maybe the same is true of Bigfoot? Ok, I get it, nobody is having George Washington sightings. I am just trying to illustrate a point.

What do you think? Does Bigfoot exist? Is Bigfoot out there now or perhaps extinct and the memory keeps it alive?

We plan to find out.

Arkansas Wild Man

One of the first times someone reported a Bigfoot in a major publication was the Arkansas Wild Man. He was reportedly seen as early as 1834. There were many sightings and even an expedition to find and kill or capture it.

Some theorize that he was a man that had gone feral after being lost and surviving. Descriptions from back then started with the wild man being just over 6 feet tall. This is much smaller than modern bigfoot sightings. Did they get bigger over time? Or did the story just grow?

Even as the newspapers picked up the story over the span of more than a decade, he seemed to grow. First reports seemed like it could be just a man. A man who lived in the woods and was incredibly fast. Quickly stories grew as did the Arkansas Wild Man. Reports of 22″ long feet and ability to leap 14 to 16 feet at a time.

Was this a bigfoot? Or was this an embellished story that changed over time? I can’t think of a reason a feral man could leap 14 feet. Or for that matter why a human would be so fast. Is there a chance that this feral man had built 22″ long shoes? Maybe he even build shoes that could help him jump.

There are many interesting theories surrounding Bigfoot. One of them is that Bigfoot is an alien, or a time traveler. It isn’t a big leap to go from one paranormal genre to another but in this film I plan to explore Bigfoot within the constraints of the world as we know it. It is interesting to ponder the Arkansas Wild Man could be a tourist from the future that had some sort of flying shoes to get away if caught.

One thing is certain, the Arkansas Wild Man stories gave credibility to the idea that something else is out there. Major publications all over the country picked up the story. Could this be why so many people claim to have seen Bigfoot? If these stories are exaggerated and it was just a man, why do so many people still see a version of it? How do you account for Native People having stories well before the newspaper?

I don’t know the answers, but I aim to find them.