Can Bigfoot Get Covid-19

We are well into this pandemic and it got us thinking. Can Bigfoot get Covid-19? Most people think he is human like. Is he closely related enough to get Covid? Monkeys can catch it, people can catch it, what other animals can?

What if Bigfoot eats bats? Maybe Bigfoot is patient zero. Is the government holding Bigfoot because it holds the cure? It is also possible that Bigfoot is naturally immune to the virus. Maybe Bigfoot holds the key to a cure. Bigfoot could be the cure or the cause, we just don’ t know.

This is just one of the things that keeps us awake at night now that we travel down this path. One thing is for sure – everyone has an opinion on this topic. It is our job to find the right stories to tell, and it is a daunting task.

If you are currently out hunting Bigfoot, remember it could hold the cure. It also could hold unimaginable disease. Be careful out there…