Does Bigfoot Exist?

Does Bigfoot exist, or is this all an elaborate hoax? If it is a hoax, what is the motivation? Are we driven by a need to feel like we know something nobody else does?

The more I research Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yeti, etc., the more I question what is the motivation for a hoax? I also find myself asking what is the definition of exist?

As I make this film I promised myself, and my fans, that I would look at this subject with an open mind. No preconceived notions. Take a more scientific approach and “go and see” rather than jump to conclusions.

Don’t get me wrong, I am plenty skeptical. Oddly enough, I am almost as skeptical that Bigfoot doesn’t exist as I am skeptical that it does. That is a weird statement even as I type it so let me explain. When I hear someone adamant that Bigfoot is fake, or can’t exist, or whatever it may be, I find myself playing devil’s advocate and arguing that it could. Maybe I just like to argue. My personality might just be that of a contrarian. Or am I starting to believe these arguments?

As a skeptic, and a film maker, I am determined to only allow information that I can prove to sway my opinion.

Let’s look at one last thing. What does it mean to exist? Even if there isn’t a Bigfoot out there to be found, could Bigfoot exist? If so many people tell the stories for generations, is that enough to exist? We all hope to be as lucky as Bigfoot. Have our memory passed from generation to generation. Few people throughout history have had this honor. I have never met George Washington, or Abraham Lincoln, but I have heard about them my whole life. Is that enough for them to exist? I can hear you now, “they did exist but don’t anymore” but maybe the same is true of Bigfoot? Ok, I get it, nobody is having George Washington sightings. I am just trying to illustrate a point.

What do you think? Does Bigfoot exist? Is Bigfoot out there now or perhaps extinct and the memory keeps it alive?

We plan to find out.